Biometrics · Electronic Voting · Mobile · Security

Voatz E voting Attacking Critics

They appear to be taking a page of the electric generation and telecom industry handbook and going after their critics. Instead of cleaning up the security of their voting platform, they are suing to make it illegal to make sure that their voting application can’t be used fraudulently. When I google Voatz, I get a… Continue reading Voatz E voting Attacking Critics

Electronic Voting · Security · Technology

Voter Fraud and Election Manipulation in the Digital Age

“General Motors, General Mills, General Foods, general ignorance, general apathy, and general cussedness elect presidents and Congressmen and maintain them in power.” ― Herbert M Shelton While electronic voting seems like a good idea, please allow me to explain why it is extremely dangerous. I come from Texas and Duval County (in Texas) is quite… Continue reading Voter Fraud and Election Manipulation in the Digital Age

Apple · Security

For the Apple Fanbois who keep say Mac can’t be hacked

It is hacked… again. Its just that Apple doesn’t like admitting it. Shlayer Mac is back….. and sneakier than ever. Its hiding out currently as Flash Player installer on poisoned web sites. Visit the site… get told you need Flash Player…the ‘installer’ downloads… you run it… and voila! You are pwnd and all your cpu… Continue reading For the Apple Fanbois who keep say Mac can’t be hacked